Monday, November 29, 2010

Latest happenings

I will be the first to admit that I have totally dropped the ball on updating our little blog.  I feel like time is something that I have been lacking lately between work, illness, OH and raising a toddler BOY.  And let me tell you, this child is ALL BOY.  I blame his father :)

New things in the Rittenhouse world since the last update:

  • P now climbs up into his chair when he is hungry
  • P no longer uses a bottle... EVER.  We are officially a sippy-cup household.
  • P has a potty chair in the bathroom and it is waiting for him once he decides he likes it. :)
  • "Mama" and "Dada" are now "Mommy" and "Daddy"... occasionally Mommy is called "Mom"... not cool!
  • P thinks its hysterical when Mommy and Daddy mimic his sweet dance moves.
  • P lights up when it is time to brush his teeth... he runs to the bathroom and can't wait to sit on the bathroom counter and brush away.  
  • Speaking of teeth... we now have 4 molars, 4 front top and bottom teeth and the others are filling in daily.  
  • P experienced his first stomach bug = HORRIBLE experience.  Mommy and Daddy were heartbroken watching our boy throw up.  
  • Mommy, Daddy and P starting going to a new church about a month ago and love it.  P has a great time in the toddler room and Mommy and Daddy really enjoy the time together as well.
  • We are anxiously awaiting the arrival and Mimi and Papa (my parents) next week as they are moving to Colorado from Florida.  We are absolutely thrilled and can't wait for them to see the fun and craziness that we experience with this little boy.  
  • The house is decorated for Christmas and so far P hasn't broken anything :)  Although he is quite intrigued by the lights on the tree and other places in the house.  I predict it won't be long before he gets his hands on something and it all comes crashing down :) 
There are probably a zillion more things that I am forgetting, but I think you get the idea.  Life is good.  We are so blessed and thankful for the friends and family in our life.  We hope that everyone has a safe and healthy holiday season.

Below are a few pictures from the last few months :)

- The Rittenhouse's

 Thanksgiving Day
 My BIG boy.
 Thoroughly enjoyed dessert.
 Cool kid .
 My little dragon - Halloween
Happy guy!