Monday, December 21, 2009

On the move...

That's right, we are on the move. Meaning that Brennan and I are chasing our crawler :) Yup, Preston has officially started crawling. It started out slow but once he got the idea that he could get to things he wanted, he took off and improved dramatically from one day to the next.

Preston will be 9 months old on New Years Day. He is an ever changing little boy. He has certainly developed his voice and loves to yell and hear himself. The other day we were at a restaurant and he got all excited about something (still not quite sure what) and started yelling and smiling and just going absolutely insane. Brennan and I are convinced that we are going to have our hands full when he is just a wee bit older. :) I say BRING IT ON!

While Preston is full energy, he is very much full of love. He is so incredibly sweet and loves to snuggle with his Mommy still. He has no problem falling asleep on my shoulder when he is tired and loves to hug. There is nothing better than feeling him wrap his little arms around my neck and squeeze.

I think I have loved every stage of Preston's development but this one is by far my favorite. Each day he becomes a new little person with new personality traits and characteristics.

Eating and playing are Preston's two most favorite things to do. He has a HUGE appetite and it shows. His legs are so cute and chubby and the last time we got on the scale he had topped the 20 lb. mark. Very exciting!

Overall, life is good and we are thoroughly enjoying being parents to such an amazing little boy. I feel like he is less and less of a baby and becoming a little boy! It's crazy how time goes by so quickly. Next thing I know my sweet boy will be walking all over the place... yikes! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

19 Weeks Old!

So, I have been getting some slack because I am WAAAAAYYYY behind in updating this bad boy. Things have been quite busy, and I sincerely apologize for the delay.

On to the good stuff...

Preston will be 19 weeks old tomorrow! Absolutely insane. He is growing up so quickly. He had his first cold last weekend and it lasted about a day and a half. He had a scheduled doctors appointment on Wednesday for his 4 month visit. During that visit, we learned that he had an ear infection. I was completely shocked b/c the poor thing never indicated that he was having any discomfort at all. So, he is on antibiotics and seems to be doing great. He is a trooper and takes his medicine like a champ! Much better than me when I was little. My mom would have worn it :)

Our guy is weighing in at about 14 lbs and is 25 3/4 inches long. He has grown 2 inches since his two month visit. The boy is long and thin :) He is chunking up a little in his legs, and Daddy and I are encouraging his chunkiness :) He is completely healthy and happy. Doctor said he is absolutely perfect and wants to be his agent when he starts doing commercials and photo shoots :) (He thinks he is a cute one!)

Preston has definitely been getting his fill out of the outdoors. He has gone on a couple good hikes with Mommy and Daddy and does absolutely wonderful in his Baby Bjorn. He even sleeps in there during our hikes when he gets tired from all the walking :) We love that he is so flexible and can handle days when we go on hikes. Obviously his schedule gets a little thrown off, but he is great nonetheless. He is going to be hiking all over the place soon enough. He is a native Coloradan after all!

Preston is defintely getting more active. He isn't just content to sit still. He is constantly kicking and trying to sit up. He hasn't rolled over yet and Mommy is getting quite impatient. We are going to spend some serious time working on that. He is finally starting to enjoy tummy time and is getting so strong. He loves to look at himself in the mirror too. He smiles and smiles.

I do have to admit that I think I have taken the back-burner to Daddy these days. Preston still definitely loves to snuggle with Mommy, but when it comes to Preston smiling and laughing and being completely happy... Daddy is the Man! Preston ADORES his Daddy. Truly. I couldn't love it more. I will take the back-burner anyday to see that interaction. Brennan and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary on August 7th and I realized that since Preston has been born, I have fallen in love with my hubby all over again. He is truly an amazing father.

To wrap things up... Daddy, Preston and I are very much looking forward to our trip back to FL (Sept. 11-14). We are looking forward to introducing our little man to our friends and family. :)

I will try to be better about keeping this updated... please forgive me for being a slacker, but being a Mommy has certainly been keeping me busy.

Preston & Daddy
Hiking Glacier Gorge

Smiles and more smiles.

A little sick, but still a trooper.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

11 Weeks

That's right - Preston is 11 Weeks old TODAY! Pretty insane how fast time flies, not to mention how big our baby boy is getting. He seriously changes from day to day. We love it!

An update for you:

  • "Tummy time" - still a bit of a bummer for Preston, but we are working on it and encouraging him to love it. Easier said than done.

  • He is holding his head up like a champ! Although, we have always thought that his neck was strong from early on. So that is going extremely well. He likes to hold our hands and pull himself up towards us.

  • Smiles - oh they are endless! He is the happiest baby in the morning when he wakes up. I walk into his room and he is lying there in his crib and as soon as he sees me he breaks out a HUGE smile. It melts my heart.

  • Mr. Coo-Man - Preston is definitely exercising his little voice. He is constantly cooing and he is starting to say new things and make new noises. It's adorable. I think his voice is changing a little too.

  • He is officially in 3 month + clothes and looks adorable in every thing he wears. OF COURSE!

  • He LOVES to eat and has gotten into a routine of 2 good naps a day - when I say good, I mean about 3 hours in the morning and then another 2 hours or so in the afternoon.

  • His daycare (I hate calling it that b/c it is so much more than a daycare - it is his "Home Away from Home") routine is pretty much nailed down and is going very well. Sometimes, on the weekends, I feel like we are disrupting what he has grown so used to all week. We try to stick with the routine, but it has been a challenge b/c we are always trying to go and do things as a family. We will get it sorted out soon :) We are extremely blessed that we found Shelly to look after our little guy during the week. Preston loves her and it is such a comfort to know that he is in such loving hands.

Well, I have said a lot and probably too much. Sorry if I have bored anyone :) We are loving each new part of Preston and the individual that he is coming. We have truely been given the greatest gift in the world to not only be parents but to have such an amazing son. We can't imagine life any other way.

Monday, June 1, 2009

2 Months Old

Preston is 2 months old today.  We went to the doctor for his 2 month check-up and immunizations.   

The big boy weighs 11 lbs 10.8 ounces and is 23 3/4 inches long.  

He is always so amazing with the doctor - it is impressive.  He did well with his shots - he cried of course and that broke Mommy and Daddy's heart, but he was a trooper and was sound asleep by the time we walked out of the office door.  The rest of the day was flawless - he had a great day and handled the shots quite well.  

We are so excited to enter the next few months of our special man's life.  We know he is going to change so much and become even more of his own person.  His personality is already developing into such a cutie and I can't get enough of him.  He is constantly cooing at me and coo's back when I talk or coo at him.  I love our conversations.  He can't help but smile from ear to ear when Daddy talks to him.  We really are committed to soaking up each and every moment with him.  

One thing is certain - we are falling more and more in love with Preston each day.  We never thought we could love someone so much.  

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Better late than never!

So, I am quickly realizing that I am a bit of a slacker and if I had been proactive earlier on, I would have started this when I was pregnant.  However, I was a bit behind but better late than never.  

Preston will be 2 months old on June 1st.  I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.  He is growing constantly and becoming a different baby everyday.  He is full of BIG smiles and lots of coo-ing which are so stinkin' cute.  I can't get enough.  

I went back to work on Tuesday of this week.  Day 1 was a bit rough for me, but we got through it and he had a wonderful day.  He has been able to stick to his normal routine and we are still doing wonderfully with our bedtime routine.  He has been able to put himself to sleep every night for the past week or two.  So amazing!!!  

Daddy and I are very much looking forward to the weekend so that we can have more time with our little boy.  Our nights go by so quickly and we feel like by the time we get home, its almost time for him to start getting ready for bath time and then bed.  We feel so thankful for every moment we have with him.

Being a Mom has certainly been the most rewarding experience and more special then I ever could have imagined.  Daddy refers to Preston as "Special Man" - hence the name of the blog.  He is SO special and I know the many years ahead of us will be just that. Special.