Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pool Time!

Loving the Pool!!!

Pool with Grandma

This past weekend my Mom was in town for a visit.  We ventured to the pool on Friday and attempted to get into the kiddie pool with Preston.  The water was a little chilly and he was not interested.  After a few attempts and tears... I decided we should venture into the big pool.  I took one step in and it was at least 10-15 degrees warmer.  Preston immediately loved it!  I was so excited and relieved.  I was terrified that my child would not like the pool - I would have been devastated!  Not so much!  He loves it. We went back on Sunday and he played so hard that he ended up falling asleep in the water and took a nap on Grandma under an umbrella poolside.  THAT is my child :)  

We are definitely looking forward to a summer of pool time and lots of fun in the sun :)

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