Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hittin' the Trail

On Sunday, Brennan, Preston and I went for a beautiful drive and hike in the mountains around Mt. Evans.  The weather was perfect - 65-70 degrees.  Yup, eat your heart out Floridians :)  It was absolutely the best day for a hike.  Sadly, it was our first real hike of the summer and Preston loved it.  We bought a Kelty backpack carrier off Craigslist and it is really a great way to get him around until he is a bit bigger and can hike on his own.  Not to say that carrying him around in that is easy.  Whew!  Brennan carried him up and I carried him down.  I thought I was going to make out on that deal, but going down was insanely hard.  I felt so top-heavy that any time I would get the slightest momentum I felt like I was going to tumble down the mountain. 

Just about as soon as we started heading down to head back to the car, Preston fell asleep.  He was literally snoring in my ear most of the way down.  I am so thankful that my child will sleep on the go.  We had a great time and couldn't have asked for a better day or time with our family. 
Daddy & Preston - getting ready to hit the trail
Mommy & Preston - heading down
Hiking wore him out!!!

We absolutely love our life here in Colorado.  We realized this weekend that like most things, we were starting to take this beautiful state and scenery for granted.  Getting outdoors in the mountains and enjoying being together as a family reminded us exactly why it is that we moved here.  God has blessed us so much here and we need to be better about appreciating everything around us.

1 comment:

  1. I WISH it was 65 here. I'm literally sitting with a cold washcloth on my neck bc I'm so stinkin hot, lol.

    Miss you guys!

    Bri :)
