That's right - Preston is 11 Weeks old TODAY! Pretty insane how fast time flies, not to mention how big our baby boy is getting. He seriously changes from day to day. We love it!
An update for you:
- "Tummy time" - still a bit of a bummer for Preston, but we are working on it and encouraging him to love it. Easier said than done.
- He is holding his head up like a champ! Although, we have always thought that his neck was strong from early on. So that is going extremely well. He likes to hold our hands and pull himself up towards us.
- Smiles - oh they are endless! He is the happiest baby in the morning when he wakes up. I walk into his room and he is lying there in his crib and as soon as he sees me he breaks out a HUGE smile. It melts my heart.
- Mr. Coo-Man - Preston is definitely exercising his little voice. He is constantly cooing and he is starting to say new things and make new noises. It's adorable. I think his voice is changing a little too.
- He is officially in 3 month + clothes and looks adorable in every thing he wears. OF COURSE!
- He LOVES to eat and has gotten into a routine of 2 good naps a day - when I say good, I mean about 3 hours in the morning and then another 2 hours or so in the afternoon.
- His daycare (I hate calling it that b/c it is so much more than a daycare - it is his "Home Away from Home") routine is pretty much nailed down and is going very well. Sometimes, on the weekends, I feel like we are disrupting what he has grown so used to all week. We try to stick with the routine, but it has been a challenge b/c we are always trying to go and do things as a family. We will get it sorted out soon :) We are extremely blessed that we found Shelly to look after our little guy during the week. Preston loves her and it is such a comfort to know that he is in such loving hands.
Well, I have said a lot and probably too much. Sorry if I have bored anyone :) We are loving each new part of Preston and the individual that he is coming. We have truely been given the greatest gift in the world to not only be parents but to have such an amazing son. We can't imagine life any other way.
What an awesome dude!!
ReplyDeleteHow presh little Preston is! Thank you for sharing what is going on with him! I really enjoy being able to know what's going on with him, since I am so far away! Enjoy every second as I know you are because it goes by so quickly! Hugs and kisses! Love and miss you all!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I am def starting to see a lot more of mommy in his face now....what do you think? Everyone tells me Ethan is my mini-me but sometimes it's hard for me to see it myself!