Tuesday, August 11, 2009

19 Weeks Old!

So, I have been getting some slack because I am WAAAAAYYYY behind in updating this bad boy. Things have been quite busy, and I sincerely apologize for the delay.

On to the good stuff...

Preston will be 19 weeks old tomorrow! Absolutely insane. He is growing up so quickly. He had his first cold last weekend and it lasted about a day and a half. He had a scheduled doctors appointment on Wednesday for his 4 month visit. During that visit, we learned that he had an ear infection. I was completely shocked b/c the poor thing never indicated that he was having any discomfort at all. So, he is on antibiotics and seems to be doing great. He is a trooper and takes his medicine like a champ! Much better than me when I was little. My mom would have worn it :)

Our guy is weighing in at about 14 lbs and is 25 3/4 inches long. He has grown 2 inches since his two month visit. The boy is long and thin :) He is chunking up a little in his legs, and Daddy and I are encouraging his chunkiness :) He is completely healthy and happy. Doctor said he is absolutely perfect and wants to be his agent when he starts doing commercials and photo shoots :) (He thinks he is a cute one!)

Preston has definitely been getting his fill out of the outdoors. He has gone on a couple good hikes with Mommy and Daddy and does absolutely wonderful in his Baby Bjorn. He even sleeps in there during our hikes when he gets tired from all the walking :) We love that he is so flexible and can handle days when we go on hikes. Obviously his schedule gets a little thrown off, but he is great nonetheless. He is going to be hiking all over the place soon enough. He is a native Coloradan after all!

Preston is defintely getting more active. He isn't just content to sit still. He is constantly kicking and trying to sit up. He hasn't rolled over yet and Mommy is getting quite impatient. We are going to spend some serious time working on that. He is finally starting to enjoy tummy time and is getting so strong. He loves to look at himself in the mirror too. He smiles and smiles.

I do have to admit that I think I have taken the back-burner to Daddy these days. Preston still definitely loves to snuggle with Mommy, but when it comes to Preston smiling and laughing and being completely happy... Daddy is the Man! Preston ADORES his Daddy. Truly. I couldn't love it more. I will take the back-burner anyday to see that interaction. Brennan and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary on August 7th and I realized that since Preston has been born, I have fallen in love with my hubby all over again. He is truly an amazing father.

To wrap things up... Daddy, Preston and I are very much looking forward to our trip back to FL (Sept. 11-14). We are looking forward to introducing our little man to our friends and family. :)

I will try to be better about keeping this updated... please forgive me for being a slacker, but being a Mommy has certainly been keeping me busy.

Preston & Daddy
Hiking Glacier Gorge

Smiles and more smiles.

A little sick, but still a trooper.

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