Monday, December 21, 2009

On the move...

That's right, we are on the move. Meaning that Brennan and I are chasing our crawler :) Yup, Preston has officially started crawling. It started out slow but once he got the idea that he could get to things he wanted, he took off and improved dramatically from one day to the next.

Preston will be 9 months old on New Years Day. He is an ever changing little boy. He has certainly developed his voice and loves to yell and hear himself. The other day we were at a restaurant and he got all excited about something (still not quite sure what) and started yelling and smiling and just going absolutely insane. Brennan and I are convinced that we are going to have our hands full when he is just a wee bit older. :) I say BRING IT ON!

While Preston is full energy, he is very much full of love. He is so incredibly sweet and loves to snuggle with his Mommy still. He has no problem falling asleep on my shoulder when he is tired and loves to hug. There is nothing better than feeling him wrap his little arms around my neck and squeeze.

I think I have loved every stage of Preston's development but this one is by far my favorite. Each day he becomes a new little person with new personality traits and characteristics.

Eating and playing are Preston's two most favorite things to do. He has a HUGE appetite and it shows. His legs are so cute and chubby and the last time we got on the scale he had topped the 20 lb. mark. Very exciting!

Overall, life is good and we are thoroughly enjoying being parents to such an amazing little boy. I feel like he is less and less of a baby and becoming a little boy! It's crazy how time goes by so quickly. Next thing I know my sweet boy will be walking all over the place... yikes! :)

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